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Entity FX offers a comprehensive set of services for generating spectacular imagery.





VFX Planning

Graphic Design

Pre-visualization (Including Stereo 3D)


Entity FX's tools allow a production to tell a story before turning on a camera — to work out shots before the shoot. Entity FX's pre-production capabilities help clients evaluate creative and technical ideas, and move confidently — and cost effectively — into production.





On-Set Visual Effects Supervision


Second-Unit Directing

Cinematography (Including high speed, aerial, miniature, greenscreen, background plate, and element photography.)

On-Set Visualization


Entity FX supervisors double as experienced directors and/or DPs, allowing quick response to sudden changes in needs or schedule.



Visual Effects & Post Production:


VFX Post Supervision

Stereo 3D Imagery

CGI characters, creatures, body parts, vehicles, environments, natural and unnatural phenomena

Set Extension

Cosmetic Beauty Work (Digital Aging and Rejuvenation)

Wire / Rig Removal

Matte Painting



Virtual Reality Assets

Project Management with multiple vendors - local and international


Entity FX's 2D and 3D artists produce stylized or photoreal visual effects, that blend seamlessly with live-action photography.































11500 Olympic Blvd Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90064

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